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Kununurra Markets

  • Whitegum Park, Kununurra WA 6743 Australia
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The Kununurra Markets are held each Saturday morning, from April to August, in Whitegum Park, across the road from the Kununurra Visitor Centre from 8am until 12noon.

The markets provide an opportunity to purchase locally made arts and crafts and fresh fruit/veg supplied by famers from around the district.

Grab yourself some funky jewellery, gorgeous zebra rock or ribbon stone, rough diamonds, boab pendants and earrings, wooden toys, soaps, clothing, scented candles, local photography, pens, dream catchers, pot plants, second-hand books, second hand clothes and locally sourced honey.

Sit at tables under a shady tree whilst enjoying delectable delights from one of the many food stalls. The atmosphere will be set with live music wafting in the background.

To apply for a market stall please email:

Location & Directions

  • Whitegum Park, Kununurra WA 6743 Australia
  • Whitegum Park, Kununurra WA 6743 Australia
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